Candidate Questionnaire and Responses

What is the greatest health care challenge facing Maryland today, and how do you plan to address it?

Over the past three years we have seen our communities struggle with the ramifications of COVID-19 which have led to: growing health care inequities, critical workforce shortages, ever-increasing medical costs, and a mental health crisis. With these compounding crises we must ensure that from the outset of the next General Assembly and under the next Administration that we immediately get to work in rebuilding our health care infrastructure, beginning with workforce training  - and in doing so ensure that we combat these different challenges facing the healthcare system.


Maryland’s hospitals operate under a unique contract with the federal government that promotes community, equity, and value. It also contributes significantly to Maryland's economy. How do you plan to support the continued success of the Maryland Model?

I am proud of Maryland's nation-leading efforts under the current total cost of care (TCOC) model and previously under the all-payer system. As a member of the Budget and Taxation Committee, I look forward to securing the necessary funding needed to ensure the continued success of the TCOC model with a particular focus on equity, providing comprehensive coverage, and expanding access to health care for Maryland’s aging population.


Maryland is experiencing a shortage of health care practitioners, especially nurses, that we project will worsen in the years ahead. How do you plan to address the immediate crisis and what will you do to make sure we have a robust and sustainable health care workforce pipeline?

Maryland’s healthcare industry is in the midst of a staffing-level crisis – and it is our responsibility as a State to revitalize this industry through prioritizing and retaining those currently working in the field as well as creating a direct pipeline for those wanting to enter the healthcare industry. I am proud of the work we were able to accomplish this past legislative session in this regard, including the $50 million in funds to hospitals and $3 million dollars to expand loan assistance repayment programs. I’ve worked with my local community college closely over the last years - particularly in hearing their needs for their nursing program - and look forward to focusing further state investments in workforce needs. Moving forward I look forward to the results of the Commission established under SB440 to provide a multi-agency and multi-organizational path-forward to creating a stronger health care workforce.


How would you increase availability of and access to health care for Marylanders?

Maryland remains a national leader in providing access to affordable health care to all Marylanders, with that being said there is still more work to be done. First, I am proud of the vote taken from the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic to expand tele-health access, and I believe that tele-health can be a key pillar of expanding health care access moving forward – especially to those that live in rural communities. The importance of tele-health was also a key reason for the Digital Connectivity Act that I sponsored to create the first Statewide Office of Broadband to ensure that all Marylanders have access to the internet so they can access critical tele-health services.

The COVID-19 pandemic has also created a mental health crisis amongst many different Marylanders - from teachers and those in the health care industry who have faced ever-increasing work related pressures to our aging population who remained isolated for far too long during the pandemic. Moving forward we need to ensure that mental health services receive necessary funding and support from the State to build upon the $35 million that was included in the budget this past year. 

I’m also proud of our bill to fund critical prenatal care clinics across Maryland. This legislation was inspired by my work with the doctors and administrators at Anne Arundel Medical Center. 

What policies will you pursue to improve health for all Marylanders? Please also consider the social determinants of health?

I proudly served on the Senate Presidents Workgroup on Equity and Inclusion that took a holistic look at inequities throughout our State - with a priority placed on environmental, economic, and health-related inequities. From this workgroup I focused heavily on maternal healthcare and the need for more equitable access to prenatal care – this led to SB777 that I sponsored in 2021 to create a $3.1 million dollar grant fund to expand prenatal care to communities that do not have regular access to it. Moving forward I look forward to doing more to combat health care inequities through the expansion of medicaid and further expansion of prenatal care.


How do you plan to address consumers' growing exposure to health care costs, such as high deductible health plans and rising prescription drug prices in Maryland?

We took much needed steps throughout the past four years to establish the Prescription Drug Affordability Board and further providing the Board with the resources needed for them to be able to do their job in keeping the cost of life-saving medications low. As a member of the Budget and Taxation Committee I look forward to continuing to provide the necessary funding to this Board as well as continuing to make record investments into medicaid, hospitals, and our health care infrastructure to keep costs down for Marylanders.

Maryland’s worsening medical liability climate, as noted in a recent independent report, threatens access to, and affordability of, health care services in Maryland. Plaintiffs’ attorneys typically take 40% of a medical malpractice judgment. Do you support limiting attorneys’ fees so that the affected individuals can receive more of their settlement or judgment? What additional reforms would you support that balance supporting individuals and families harmed by medical malpractice with ensuring continued access to services in a community?

We must continue to do everything that we can to keep health care costs down for Marylanders. In regard to medical liability I look forward to working with all health care stakeholders to receive feedback and find solutions to help Marylanders.


What are your priorities should you be elected, not confined to health care?

My priorities continue to be those of my District: ensuring a healthy environment and thriving Chesapeake Bay, investing in the future of Maryland by building world class schools and a dynamic higher education system, and working to make Maryland a more affordable place to live for families and seniors.