Candidate Questionnaire and Responses

What is the greatest health care challenge facing Maryland today, and how do you plan to address it?

Unnecessary abortions is a terrible health crises.  We have lost 50 million babies in the past 50 years.  I support ending the right to kill an unborn and born baby. Requiring babies and children to have unnecessary health care procedures.  I support letting the parents and family make there own medical decisions.  They need to be responsible to do their own research and not rely only on the doctors pressure and fear tactics. Affordability is a huge problem.  Medical insurance is a fortune and people will forego medical care because of lack of affordability. The insurance companies are too big and control the doctors and patients decisions on what care they give or get.  Allowing people to have their own Health Savings Account would help individuals save for their own medical expenses.

Maryland’s hospitals operate under a unique contract with the federal government that promotes community, equity, and value. It also contributes significantly to Maryland's economy. How do you plan to support the continued success of the Maryland Model?

The Maryland Model sounds good but I am not familiar with the real results.

Maryland is experiencing a shortage of health care practitioners, especially nurses, that we project will worsen in the years ahead. How do you plan to address the immediate crisis and what will you do to make sure we have a robust and sustainable health care workforce pipeline?

Many healthcare workers lost there jobs or quit because of the requirements to take an unapproved medication or being forced to cover there faces for many hours.  Allowing healthcare workers to make their own medical decisions would make it more attractive for them to come back to their chosen career.

How would you increase availability of and access to health care for Marylanders?

People need to be educated on staying healthy and avoiding the medical system.  The diets and exercise programs need to be more of a priority than taking a drug.  Alternate holistic medical choices should be a choice.

What policies will you pursue to improve health for all Marylanders? Please also consider the social determinants of health?

Many chemicals and non edible products need to be removed from the American diet.  Plastics are not healthy for people, removing as many plastic products would be help everyone's health.  People need to learn about the risk to their health take are taking by eating processed foods and being overweight.  A policy to go back to a more natural packaging process would improve health.  

How do you plan to address consumers' growing exposure to health care costs, such as high deductible health plans and rising prescription drug prices in Maryland?

A health savings account (HSA) and giving less control to the large insurance companies.  Pharmaceutical companies have been allowed to over charge for their products.  They need to be audited and limits on how much money they can spend on lobbying.

Maryland’s worsening medical liability climate, as noted in a recent independent report, threatens access to, and affordability of, health care services in Maryland. Plaintiffs’ attorneys typically take 40% of a medical malpractice judgment. Do you support limiting attorneys’ fees so that the affected individuals can receive more of their settlement or judgment? What additional reforms would you support that balance supporting individuals and families harmed by medical malpractice with ensuring continued access to services in a community?

Hospitals should not preform unnecessary procedures based on fear of worse case scenarios and learn the natural ways of healing.  The right care at the right time for the right person.

What are your priorities should you be elected, not confined to health care?

Defend the lives of the pre-born and the elderly, protection of every person,  no more plea bargains for serious crimes.  Stop the control of Unions in our schools.  Have the money follow the student.  Lower property taxes.  Get air conditioning in our schools, improve education by removing the social engineering programs.  Put God back into the curriculum. No more mandates, lower all taxes. be fiscally responsible, more transparency.  Make it easier to follow the voting record of Delegates and Senators.