Candidate Questionnaire and Responses

What is the greatest health care challenge facing Maryland today, and how do you plan to address it?

The absence of a grocery store or medical facility to accommodate 11,000 people in zip code 20743.

Maryland’s hospitals operate under a unique contract with the federal government that promotes community, equity, and value. It also contributes significantly to Maryland's economy. How do you plan to support the continued success of the Maryland Model?

I plan to continue my unwavering support in this most important effort.

Maryland is experiencing a shortage of health care practitioners, especially nurses, that we project will worsen in the years ahead. How do you plan to address the immediate crisis and what will you do to make sure we have a robust and sustainable health care workforce pipeline?

It is absolutely critical that we provide more pay and respect for these hard workers. Let’s put more incentives on the table.

How would you increase availability of and access to health care for Marylanders?

We need to respect and strengthen the Affordable Health Care Act.  Our public relations effort is in need of repair.

What policies will you pursue to improve health for all Marylanders? Please also consider the social determinants of health?

I am going to be a strong supporter of Universal Health Care.  Let’s take a look at how we can reduce the cost of prescription medicine.

How do you plan to address consumers' growing exposure to health care costs, such as high deductible health plans and rising prescription drug prices in Maryland?

We are looking at legislation to address this.  The cost of insurance, prescription medicine are driving forces to people not getting proper health care.

Maryland’s worsening medical liability climate, as noted in a recent independent report, threatens access to, and affordability of, health care services in Maryland. Plaintiffs’ attorneys typically take 40% of a medical malpractice judgment. Do you support limiting attorneys’ fees so that the affected individuals can receive more of their settlement or judgment? What additional reforms would you support that balance supporting individuals and families harmed by medical malpractice with ensuring continued access to services in a community?


The issue for affected individuals will be a part of our legislative agenda.

What are your priorities should you be elected, not confined to health care?

• Expand services for mental health
• Create a world class educational system for all children
• Bridge the wealth and economic gap for a level playing field
• Strengthen the laws dealing with gun violence